Saturday, 3 October 2009

Movies on the plane

Watching movies on a plane is never the best way to see a film. During my flights to/from Florida, there were many choices, though far too many interruptions (not to mention naps) to give any of them my full and fair attention. I started and gave up several times (The Soloist was particularly difficult to get into in this environment) but I did make it through two films.

The first was Sunshine Cleaning, a comedy drama starring Amy Adams and Emily Blunt, about a pair of sisters who clean up crime scenes. This one in particular is one I feel I cannot review as huge sections were missed, and no rewind meant I had to keep jumping in and out. The impression I got of the film was frankly disappointing, but I am hoping to watch it properly in the future.

The other film I saw was Year One, an historical comedy starring Jack Black and Michael Cera. I saw enough of this to say I enjoyed the first half, chuckling to myself on many occasions. Michael Cera is particularly gifted at delivering one-liners (albeit with the sane performance in every role) and provides most of the laughs. Jack Black's character was too irritating to be likeable, however, and the film certainly outstays its welcome. Once you pass the hour mark, the film starts to repeat itself, including its many celeb cameos. Then again, I may have just been tired and willing it to end so I could sleep. Or try to.

I am unlikely to rate these films on Flixster/Facebook or imdb until I've given them a fair shot, but still wanted a record somewhere that I had seen them, and what my first impressions were.

-- Posted from my iPhone

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