Sunday, 7 August 2011

Review: Super 8

Lots of acclaim for this one, but I think I'm missing something. It didn't resonate emotionally with me, despite its resorting to blatant emotional manipulation at the end (the bollocks with the locket).
On the positive side, it looks great (although the lens flare is distractingly overdone), the child cast are superb, and there are some great jump-out-of-your-seat moments. But that's about it.
The back story about the grieving/ feuding parents is just dull. When the film-within-a-film (a kids' zombie flick) is more engrossing than the film itself, you know something's wrong.
I've heard claims of similarities to E.T. (how dare they) and Goonies (okay, at least it's not THAT bad), but the only thing it (frequently) reminded me of was Cloverfield, remade by pretty much the same people- but not as well. Even the monster is pretty much the same, just with the head of Gene Hackman's character from Antz.
It's worth seeing, but don't expect the classic that reviews may lead you to believe.

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