Monday, 7 May 2012

Film Review - Safe

Jason Statham is carving out quite a decent career for himself. He has the requisite looks, charisma and physicality to pull off the action hero not seen since Bruce Willis had hair. This adds very little new to his acting canon, but does at least maintain a standard of consistency he's kept up since (after) the last Crank film.
It's your basic McGuffin thriller about a man who has been (very and repeatedly) wronged, and sets out to set things right- not out of revenge per se, but to ensure the safety of the McGuffin- in this case, a young girl. Unfortunately, said young girl is not the greatest actress in the world, but she's not enough to weigh this film down to anywhere near intolerable levels. It does get pretty brutal and sways into some dodgy moral territory, but as a nuts and bolts thriller it does the job well.

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