Saturday, 28 July 2012

Film Review - Brave (in 3D)

Disappointing, but not terrible.
Firstly, this is not the film that's being advertised. This isn't some ballsy heroine finding her inner bravery to stand up against the male-dominated society. It's a selfish teenager who behaves irresponsibly, and when her choices cause things to go very wrong, she accepts no blame and has no guilt. And, frankly, doesn't learn to.
Brave has clear ambitions to be Pixar's Pocahontas, but ends up more their Brother Bear. Literally. That's a (very) bad thing.
Moments of chin-stroking philosophising and attempts at emotional weight are offset too heavily by slapstick, violence and unexpected twists that are more ill-judged than revelatory, and it's all sewn together in a manner that's very conspicuous and alienating.
And since when has there been a grizzly bear problem in Scotland? Must have been around the time koalas took over Swansea?
However, the music and animation are gorgeous, a lot of the humour works, and it comes with a rather charming, if strange short, La Luna.
But the 3D is possibly the most pointless to date. Enough already.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Film Review - The Amazing Spider-Man (in 3D)

Was a reboot of the franchise really necessary so soon? I didn't think so, but this film has proven that it certainly wasn't a bad idea after all. However, as a result comparisons will be brought, so let's address them.
I had no problems with Tobey Maguire's Spidey (until THAT scene-that-must-not-be-mentioned in #3), but here Andrew Garfield embodies both Spider-Man and Peter Parker in a way that is superior on very level, and far truer to the comics/cartoons I remember growing up with. He's more charismatic, emotional, cocky, lean, and youthful. Most importantly, the cheesy wise-cracks are back.
Ditto Emma Stone who, if anything, is a bit wasted as Gwen Stacey. Her Oscar is merely a formality at this point, so when you have someone as attention-grabbing as her in your cast, it's a shame to give her so little to do. That said, she plays a pivotal role in the final scenes, by which I do not mean "damsel in distress". She makes Kirsten Dunst's MJ look like a cardboard cut-out by comparison.
One of the big issues I have with the first Spider-Man is the villain. Whilst the origin story is done well, as soon as the Green Goblin comes out to play I lose interest. Here, The Lizard feels more of a threat, and his story is given time to build. Not only that, but Peter gets to use some science and detective work to bring him down, rather than just a CGI smackdown (though there's plenty of that too). Yes, a lot of the origin story is something we've seen before, but they've gone out of their way to freshen it up a bit, and it definitely feels less contrived.
It's not flawless, by any means, and I may need a second viewing to clear/confirm my doubts. I've certainly read/heard negative reviews with which I can't disagree- but ultimately I can't deny I enjoyed the experience of watching this film.
With Denis Leary, Martin Sheen and Sally Field all being worthy of a shout-out as well, I'd say that this second version of the franchise isn't so much a reboot after all. It's an upgrade.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Film Review - Chariots of Fire

Re-released ready for the London 2012 Olympics, this was my first time seeing this Best Picture Oscar-winning classic. Despite being a period drama to begin with, it does feel a little dated, but appears to have lost little of its charm. Lacking in spectacle it may be, but getting a sport-hating couch potato like me rooting for sportsmen is no mean feat.

Film Review - Magic Mike

Quite inconsequential, actually leaving pretty much every plot thread untied... but I guess it's not really about the plot. It's just a snapshot of life as a stripper, the twist being that this time it's men. We see the highs of adulation, the lows of succumbing to temptation, and the completely blank expression that is Cody Horn. For me, it wasn't so much about the flesh on display as it was about the dancing and creative staging of the shows. It's fantastic to see Channing Tatum dance again- the first time since Step Up- and it makes you realise how wasted he is in generic romdrams. If only they'd roped in Zac Efron as well.

Film Review - Killer Joe

There's not much to this, other than a build-up to a memorably unpleasant scene involving the humiliation of a woman with some "K Fried C". That said, the cast are superb and the humour is jet-black in a way that makes you wince, rather than laugh.

Film Review - The Dark Knight Rises

Firstly, let me make it clear that The Dark Knight Rises is a good film. Unfortunately for it, however, it's a follow-up to one of the greatest movies ever made, The Dark Knight, and comparisons are inevitable. As it happens, the majority of critics and fanboys have fallen over themselves in praise of this one too, so that side of the argument is pretty easy to find out there. I beg to differ. I was disappointed. My expectations were not met. What follows is my attempt to articulate this.
Some have called The Dark Knight Rises ambitious, but for me it's a case of more is less. Overcomplicating something does not make it intelligent, nor more interesting. Quite the opposite. Scene after scene is perfunctory. It gets you from A to Z, but every letter that's spelled out is more for accuracy or exposition than for excitement or entertainment. There's too much going on for, you know, fun stuff. There's taking it seriously, and then there's sucking the life out of it.
It is, by far, the worst of the trilogy. It's flabby, and a bit of a mess with unnecessary characters aplenty, twists for the sake of twists, fights for the sake of fights, and long periods of tedium. It actually reminded me a lot of Die Hard With A Vengeance- but without the fun first half-hour.
Tom Hardy's Bane is awful, in so many ways. Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon spends far too much of the film in a hospital bed. Michael Caine's Alfred may manage to emote, but I can't say I felt it too. If a character has lost the cartilage in both knees and broken their back, don't insult us all by having them up and fitter than ever by the end of the film. A lot of lines of dialogue are delivered with the wrong intonation. There are at least three or four new characters here whose absence would actually improve the film (don't get me started on Marion Cotillard). Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle can steal and kick as much ass as she likes, but there is never an excuse for littering. I could go on.
On second viewing, I came to the realisation that I simply don't find this one interesting. It's the actual plot/story that just doesn't grab me enough. Examples;
It's a bomb! Gotham's going to be blown up! In FIVE MONTHS' TIME.
Something about corporate financial assistance!
Let's lock Batman up in a weird jail-type scenario for bloody ages, failing to escape! Lots! With pseudo-psychology from old men speaking foreign for no reason!
Ironically, the set-up IS pretty interesting. We're told it's time for Gotham's reckoning. Organised crime is gone, yet the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. (See what they did there?) Time for things to be set right, right? Well, no. We'll take that interesting, relevant premise and just use it as the catalyst for a generic, shockingly dull, well-organised form of anarchy.
However, it's far from all bad, though. The action has definitely been ramped up, as has the spectacle. Not a single penny of the budget has been wasted. Some of the new additions to the cast are welcome, as they light up the screen. Anne Hathaway is surprisingly good, though after the first hour or so even they seem to realise she's ultimately pretty superfluous (as is her young partner in crime, who appears to vanish into thin air). Joseph Gordon Levitt is a welcome addition too, although his gung-ho enthusiasm has little to do. Once we get the big reveal of his character, it's doubly frustrating, but at least you know you haven't wasted your time watching him.
However, the film does build to a decent climax, wraps things up neatly, and works effectively as an ending to the trilogy, as well as a beginning for a potential new chapter.
If they decide to continue, I'll still be there, as excited as ever. Just maybe with slightly lower expectations.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Film Review - Chernobyl Diaries

Lots of hatred out there for this movie, but I really enjoyed it. The tension was built nicely, the characters weren't too irritating, and the locations/sets were perfect. It did lose steam once the characters were being picked off, but overall had some genuinely tense, jumpy, and creepy moments. I always prefer horror that relies on your imagination over gore, and this delivered.
But, to be fair, I did watch Storage 24 immediately before this, so anything would look competent and scary after that.

Film Review - Storage 24

When the protagonists don't even pretend to be scared then why on earth would the audience?

A horror without scares. Waste. Of. Time.

Film Review - The Dictator

Veers from facetious to funny, then facetious, then funny, etc. Lots of laughs, but also lots of crap. Nowhere near as good as Borat, but way better than Bruno.