Saturday, 21 July 2012

Film Review - The Amazing Spider-Man (in 3D)

Was a reboot of the franchise really necessary so soon? I didn't think so, but this film has proven that it certainly wasn't a bad idea after all. However, as a result comparisons will be brought, so let's address them.
I had no problems with Tobey Maguire's Spidey (until THAT scene-that-must-not-be-mentioned in #3), but here Andrew Garfield embodies both Spider-Man and Peter Parker in a way that is superior on very level, and far truer to the comics/cartoons I remember growing up with. He's more charismatic, emotional, cocky, lean, and youthful. Most importantly, the cheesy wise-cracks are back.
Ditto Emma Stone who, if anything, is a bit wasted as Gwen Stacey. Her Oscar is merely a formality at this point, so when you have someone as attention-grabbing as her in your cast, it's a shame to give her so little to do. That said, she plays a pivotal role in the final scenes, by which I do not mean "damsel in distress". She makes Kirsten Dunst's MJ look like a cardboard cut-out by comparison.
One of the big issues I have with the first Spider-Man is the villain. Whilst the origin story is done well, as soon as the Green Goblin comes out to play I lose interest. Here, The Lizard feels more of a threat, and his story is given time to build. Not only that, but Peter gets to use some science and detective work to bring him down, rather than just a CGI smackdown (though there's plenty of that too). Yes, a lot of the origin story is something we've seen before, but they've gone out of their way to freshen it up a bit, and it definitely feels less contrived.
It's not flawless, by any means, and I may need a second viewing to clear/confirm my doubts. I've certainly read/heard negative reviews with which I can't disagree- but ultimately I can't deny I enjoyed the experience of watching this film.
With Denis Leary, Martin Sheen and Sally Field all being worthy of a shout-out as well, I'd say that this second version of the franchise isn't so much a reboot after all. It's an upgrade.

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