Sunday, 2 February 2014

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman

I have just heard the devastating news of the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman at just 46. A lot of attention will be shone upon his Oscar-winning role in Capote, but despite his young age, his career was prolific and hugely diverse so I thought I'd pay tribute with a quick list of his five most memorable performances (IMHO, of course...)

5. Boogie Nights
I was no fan of this film, but having seen it just the once on its original release, I remember only two things about it- the final shot (obviously) and Philip Seymour Hoffman's tiny but heart-breaking performance as the gay cameraman.

4. Mission: Impossible III
Adding a bit of class to the popcorn proceedings, Hoffman made for a memorable villain that would certainly have been ludicrous in the wrong hands. Or at least far more so.

3. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Having read the trilogy of books, I was excited at the news of his perfect casting as Plutarch Heavensbee, and he didn't disappoint in this first sequel. Already excited for his much larger role in the finale, Mockingjay, it's particularly saddening to hear he was just a week away from completion.

2. Punch-Drunk Love
Despite being no fan of art house cinema, this wonderfully ambiguous and divisive film struck a major chord with me. Hoffman's pitch-perfect turn as an infuriating bully was one of the major reasons.

1. The Talented Mr. Ripley
The role that truly marked Hoffman out as one for me to watch was his infectious turn as the slimy-but-adorable Freddie Miles. The thriller has become an all-time favourite of mine.
"How's the peeping, Tommy? How's the peeping?"

RIP Philip, you will be remembered.

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